Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Present Continuous Tense Quiz

1 they coming over for dinner?
2Maxwell  not sleeping on our sofa.
3My mother-in-law is  at our house this week.
4 my dinner right now.
5My sister  Spanish.
6 at the hair salon until September.
7We  at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason decided this yesterday.
8When do you  your new art class?
9They are  a new record shop downtown.
10Melissa is  down on her bed.

Complete the following questions

este ejercicio.
Q1 of 9: I _______ (work) now.

Q2 of 9: Nell _______ (not/watch) television at the 


Q3 of 9: They _______ (go) to the cinema.

Q4 of 9: _______  you _______ (call) your mother?

Q5 of 9: John _______ (read) the newspaper.

Q6 of 9: _______  Valerie _______ (study) English?

Q7 of 9: We _______ (not/play) videogames.

Q8 of 9: I _______ (not/drink) water.

Q9 of 9: We _______ (know) her.

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